Pleased to meet you!
My name is Faith Teel. I'm a Christian artist at work near Asheville, NC.
And I'm here to make art for the rest of us.
Because if you've ever been to a modern art gallery and sort of wandered around...
then you might be surprised to discover that a lot of Christian artists feel the same way nowadays.

should mean something.

should speak to your heart.
And it should be nice to live with.
It should create a place of rest in your home.

Owning a piece of art
should be like a friendship
that gets better over time.
And like your best friend,
it should make your life better.
It should make the world
a better place to live in.

And for Christians like me
(and maybe like you)
art should be made in the service of God.

I'm a visionary Christian artist.
I'm not here to pat myself on the back.
When I say "visionary" I just mean that I try to paint the beautiful visions that my heart sometimes reveals to me during prayer.
And I also paint about other things, like the beautiful nation that I live in, America.

Don't worry.
I'm still a "real" artist.
I graduated magna cum laude from the University of Mary Washington with a degree in studio art.
And I've painted many pictures since then.
But when I went to school, my impression was that art was only supposed to mean something if it was about the Correct Social Issues.

But here's a secret I've learned over the years:
And until we can speak that Truth, a Godly Truth, then none of the other things we do will matter.
Least of all "social issues."
Those can only be fixed after we repair our souls.

So if you're looking to discover a Christian artist, please join my FREE weekly art newsletter to follow along on this journey.
I'm making art to bring change where it counts:
At home.